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Engineering Geology



Our services focus on the design and supervision of projects in the mining and energy industry. Our expertise includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Tunnel and cavern design

  • Slope stability analysis 

  • Rock and soil mechanics

  • Risk studies and geological characterization

  • Hydrogeology

  • Planning and execution of field campaigns



Suricata - Miner by Nature offers specialized consulting services for the mining, transportation and energy industries.

The company was founded in 2014 by Matías Egaña. Matías is a Mining Engineer and Geophysicist from the University of Chile, and has an MSc. in Engineering Geology from the University of Leeds (UK). In addition to being a consultant at Suricata, Matias is:

-Expert advisor on tunnels of the Ministry of Public Works of Chile

-Director/Co-founder of the Journal of Mining Engineering and Research ( from the Chilean nstitute of Mining Engineers (IIMCh)

-Representative of Chile in the tunnel chapter of the World Road Association (PIARC)

-Director of the Committee of Tunnels and Underground Spaces of Chile (CTES/ITA). 



The following are some of the projects in which Suricata has recently participated:

  • Advice on post-contingency underground works Ituango Hydroelectric project. Client: AFRY (POYRY).

  • Advice on the Geotechnical Baseline Report of Los Bronces Underground. Client: Skava.

  • Geological and geotechnical studies of Mentarang Induk Hydroelectric Project, Indonesia, approx 1000 MW.

  • Supervision during the repair of the Chacayes Spillway HPP, Pacific Hydro.

  • In Situ Stress characterization Alto Maipo hydroelectric project. Client: Strabag-Alto Maipo.

  • Monitoring during the construction of the underground works of the Los Cóndores project, including TBM and Drill & Blast. Client: Norconsult, ENEL.

  • Constructibility study of the Vallecito hydroelectric project. Client: Norconsult, ENEL.

  • Inspection during the emptying of the tunnels of the La Higuera hydroelectric project. Client: Sweco, Tinguiririca Energía.

  • Inspection during the repair of the La Confluencia hydroelectric project, including head tunnel and dam. Client: Norconsult, Tinguiririca Energy.

  • Codelco's "Rapid preparation of caving type mines" project. Client: IM2, Codelco.



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  • Egaña M., 2022. Transforming old railway tunnels to modern road tunnels. Three case studies from Chile. Proceeding of World Tunnel Congress 2022, Denmark. 

  • Egaña M., Engelstad O., Mathiesen T., Villegas F. and Nilsen B.​ 2017. Challenges on the design of mining caverns. Proceeding of World Tunnel Congress 2017, Norway. 

  • Egaña M. and Ortiz J. 2013. Geostatistical tools in rock mass classification: A case study in the mining industry. Journal of Geoengineering. 

  • Helland I., Tuttle K. and Egaña M. 2013. Environmental risk assessment of soil and water contamination from mining sites. Proceedings of Enviromine 2013, Chile.

  • Egaña M. et al. 2008. Geostatistics applied to geotechnical parameters. Proceedings of MININ 2008, Chile.

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